Neck Pain Specialist

Doctors United
Multi-Specialty Center located in Bronx, White Plains, Ardsley and Yonkers, NY
It’s not uncommon to have neck pain after spending long hours hunched over your computer, smartphone, or tablet. However, if you have ongoing neck pain or severe neck pain, the highly skilled staff at Doctors United can provide medical care to help you get relief. There are locations in the West Farms and Wakefield neighborhoods in the Bronx, White Plains, Yonkers, and Ardsley, New York. To schedule a neck pain evaluation, call the office or book an appointment online today.
Neck Pain Q & A
What is neck pain?
Neck pain is a type of discomfort that starts in your neck, which is also known as your cervical spine. The type of pain you feel may range from a dull achy sensation to sharp shooting pains that travel into your head, upper back, or your arms.
Depending on the cause, neck pain may also cause radiating tingling, numbness, or burning sensations.
What causes neck pain?
Your neck is the most flexible part of your spine, supporting the weight and movement of your head. The structure and function of your neck make it vulnerable to injuries and conditions that cause neck pain.
Common causes of neck pain include:
- Sprains and strains
- Disc problems (e.g., slipped disc, herniation, degenerative disc disease)
- Osteoarthritis
- Spinal stenosis
- Pinched nerve
- Whiplash (common car accident injury)
Mental stress and poor posture are also common causes of neck pain. When you feel stressed, you may tense the muscles in your neck, resulting in pain. Additionally, keeping your head in a bent position for long periods of time strains the muscles in your neck.
What happens during a neck pain evaluation?
Doctors United takes a comprehensive approach to pain management. Your provider conducts a thorough examination when you come in with complaints of neck pain to find the root cause of your discomfort.
During the evaluation, your provider reviews your symptoms, daily routine, and medical history. They do a physical examination, paying close attention to the structure and mobility of your neck.
To confirm or rule out a suspected cause of neck pain, your Doctors United provider may request blood work, X-rays, or an MRI.
How is neck pain treated?
Doctors United customizes your neck pain treatment plan based on the underlying cause. The multi-specialty practice has health providers from many areas of medicine, including a neurologist, physical medicine and rehabilitation physician, orthopedics specialists, chiropractors, and physical therapists.
Treatment for your neck pain may include:
- Posture therapy
- Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
- Physical therapy
- Chiropractic care
- Joint injection
- Counseling with a social worker
Most people experience improvements in their neck pain with medical interventions. However, if your neck pain is severe or affecting your quality of life, an orthopedic specialist at Doctors United discusses more invasive treatment options, such as surgery.
For neck pain relief, schedule an appointment at Doctors United by calling the office nearest you or booking online today.
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