Slipped Disc Specialist

Doctors United
Multi-Specialty Center located in Bronx, White Plains, Ardsley and Yonkers, NY
A slipped disc may cause worrisome symptoms like numbness or pain, which often arise in the arms or legs. If you have symptoms of a slipped disc, Doctors United in the West Farms and Wakefield neighborhoods in the Bronx, White Plains, Yonkers, and Ardsley, New York, provides conservative treatments that will likely improve your symptoms within six weeks. To learn more about slipped discs and how to treat them, call the office or book an appointment online right away.
Slipped Disc Q & A
What is a slipped disc?
A slipped disc, also called a herniated disc, happens when the outer portion of one of the discs in your spine becomes weaker, causing the inner portion to protrude out into the spinal canal.
Your discs provide cushioning between the vertebrae, which allows your spine to have a small amount of flexibility. The discs also absorb shock when you walk or move your spine.
How do slipped discs happen?
One of the primary underlying causes of a slipped disc is disc degeneration — the process of your discs getting weaker with time. That is why slipped discs become more of a likelihood as you get older.
If your discs are getting weaker, they can herniate because of certain sudden movements like twisting your back or lifting a heavy object. However, they can also herniate with no apparent cause.
What are the symptoms of a slipped disc?
Slipped disc symptoms vary based on the location of the disc along your spine. Slipped discs in the lumbar portion of your spine or lower back tend to cause symptoms in the legs.
That’s because the herniated portion of the disc presses on nerve roots in the area which travel to your legs. You might experience:
- Pain
- Numbness
- Tingling
- Muscle weakness
- Burning
A slipped disc in the cervical spine or neck tends to cause pain and other symptoms in the shoulders or arms. That is because the nerves exiting the spine in your neck extend into these areas.
Sometimes, slipped discs cause no symptoms at all. You might not even realize you have a slipped disc until a physician detects it on an imaging test that you receive for a separate purpose.
What are my treatment options for a slipped disc?
Most people with a slipped disc can find relief from their symptoms using conservative treatments only. However, there are surgeries that can treat the most serious cases when conservative treatments don’t offer great results.
Doctors United makes personalized treatment recommendations for slipped discs. Your course of treatment might include:
- Over-the-counter pain relievers
- Physical therapy
- Low-impact exercise
- Muscle relaxers
- Chiropractic care
- Injections
Doctors United has orthopedists and physical medicine specialists on staff to coordinate your care.
If your symptoms don’t go away within six weeks of treating your slipped disc, or if you have muscle weakness from a slipped disc, surgery may be the logical next step. A procedure called microdiscectomy removes the damaged part of the disc while keeping the rest of the structure in its place.
You shouldn’t ignore symptoms like numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness, which often originate in the spine. To schedule an evaluation for a slipped disc, call Doctors United or book online today.
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